

Product Owner

Customer expectations of digital services have never been so high. Fast, personal, easy. And of course everything mobile. Many companies have a fantastic vision in the field of digitalization, but get stuck on the actual implementation. While that is exactly where you make the difference. Walnut´s Product Owners ensure your resources are optimally used and all focussed on that same goal.

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Define the goal

Defining a clear goal is the foundation of successful product ownership. A Product Owner must align business objectives with user needs, ensuring every decision adds value. This requires a deep understanding of market trends, stakeholder expectations, and technical possibilities. By setting a focused, measurable goal, teams stay motivated and drive impactful results. Clarity and vision turn ideas into products that truly make a difference.


Set a clear project approach

Once we know what we want to achieve, and with who, it´s time to get aligned on the way of working. Everyone works best when it´s clear what is expected of them. Communication here is key, both within the project team and to the larger stakeholder group. This way it´s transparant to eveyone involved what can be expected and when.


Start small, think MVP

How do you eat an elephant? Exactly, one slice at a time! More often than not, a big ambitious project cannot be delivered all at once. That would be risky and very complex. Taking the MVP route -delivery of digestible size value- ensures concrete results are delivered faster.


Let's crack that nut!